Art Black & White color photos fotografia Nature Photography Travels Urban pics

New Zealand: My First Trip EVER!

New Zealand: A Photographer’s Paradise Like most people, I love to travel. A place that has been on my bucket list for a long time is New Zealand, for its gorgeous nature and adventures and so many places to take photos. Here are a handful of my favorite photos from my first trip to the […]

Black & White Art fotografia Photography Travels Urban pics

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2023

  Gorgeous views are all over the city just take a quick walk around Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and you will see what I mean. Nothing more enjoyable than walking around with a camera in my hands, capturing gorgeous moments like these.

Art color photos fotografia Photography Travels

Park Bridge, Digital Photo, Me, 2022

Discover the Benefits of Taking a Walk in the Park Taking a walk in the park is not only a great way to get some fresh air, but also an opportunity to enjoy nature and refresh your mind. If you’ve ever felt like you can’t find the time to take a break from your busy […]

Black & White Photography Travels


Enjoying my time exploring, traveling, Eating, and Drinking, in Lisboa Portugal.  

Art color photos fotografia Nature Photography Travels Urban pics

Lake Eola, Me, digital photo, 2022

Walking around Lake Eola in the heart of Orlando, Florida with my camera in hand is one of my favorite things to do. There’s something magical about the early morning light, the stillness of the water, and the sounds of nature that come together to create a peaceful and serene atmosphere. As a photographer, I […]

Art Black & White fotografia Nature Photography Travels Urban pics

Lake Eola Orlando Florida

Lake Eola Orlando Florida Foggy Morning walking around the lake in the middle of the park in the heart of the city beautiful Orlando, Florida.    

fotografia Nature Photography Travels Urban pics

Exploring Lake Eola

Black & White Art fotografia Nature Photography Urban pics

Water Drops

  Walking around the city after a few hours of rain, the sky was nice and gray the lighting was flat and even. I looked around for a long while and could not find a good composition in any direction, then I came across a few steel tables covered in water drops from the midday […]