
Lake Eola Digital Painting: A painting of Lake Eola. It’s so beautiful and peaceful being there

By The Lake Before and After, here is a photo I made many moons ago when I just moved to Orlando and I wanted to explore the city. I walked around Lake Eola and discovered so many beautiful things, and now playing around I’ve turned it into a digital painting. what do you think? I […]

Art Black & White fotografia Nature Photography Travels Urban pics

Lake Autumn Morning, me, digital photography, 2014

  These are a few photos I made back in 2014 while walking around Lake Eola on an autumn day in the heart of downtown Orlando, FL. These were originally in color, turn them into black and white in 2014, now in 2021 playing around with film noir I fell in love all over again. […]

Black & White Art fotografia Nature Photography Travels Urban pics

Walking around Orlando making Black & White or Monochrome Photos

  Walking around downtown Orlando, Florida capturing a few amazing black and white images, on a sunny day, then on a cloudy rainy afternoon.  The first Black & White is was a late afternoon on Orange Avenue where the Sun was only hitting one corner of this building. The second Black and White image was a dark […]

Art Black & White fotografia Nature Photography Travels

Let’s Explore a few Photography Genres

Landscapes, Portrait, Fine nudes, Travel, Wildlife or nature, Uncategorized, Macro, City, Architecture, Fashion, Still life, Conceptual, Street, Photojournalism, Underwater, Black & White or Monochrome, Family, Night, Sports, Staged, Abstraction, Air Photography, Fine art, Astrophotography, Color photography, Flash, Photonovels, Pictorialism, Social documentary, Vernacular photography, Panorama The photography family has so many branches that you can get lost in one and never experience all the others amazing things you can explore.  For a long time, I’ve heard and read that to be a great photography you […]

Photography Art fotografia

Types of Photography

  The photography family has so many branches that you can get lost in one and never experience all the others amazing things you can explore.  Above is a youtube playlist I’ve put together to explore some of the photography genres.